The Late Anthropocene

Although CIDU is no longer actively soliciting “synchronicity” submissions, sometimes exceptions must be made. Both of these editorial comics appeared two weeks ago, on Wednesday, April 24th; by coincidence they just happened to be right next to each other in my daily link list (but that was only because of the alphabetical proximity of the author’s names).

P.S. CIDU Bill was exceedingly strict with his requirements for the “synchronicity” tag. They had to be published on exactly the same day, and it was more than just the appearance of an identical object or concept in each comic: the setup or point of the joke had to be the same.

Sunday Funnies – LOLs, May 05th, 2024

Scammers certainly are getting more creative. I got a “reimbursement” from my Jane Doe, the condo property manager, with the email, which was suspiciously close to her actual email of, and this is a person I occasionally get reimbursements from (luckily as old-school physical checks)

From Dan Piraro’s subscription newsletter, “The Naked Cartoonist“. I’ll conclude with an early collaboration with Wayno; a Bizarro cartoon about red flags in relationships. If only they were this obvious in real life!

Saturday afternoon bonus: May the Fourth

When this strip first appeared last September, I was sorry that I couldn’t read Rhymes with Orange from a source that had a functional comment system, because I was expecting flame wars from the dedicated Star Wars fanatics. However, since September seemed most inappropriate for the subject matter, I decided to schedule this post for a more opportune date in May. There were, of course, two obvious possibilities, but I decided to go with the first one (feel free to re-read this eight days from now).

P.S. The cinnamon bun on top of the Queen’s head is a nice touch, but I will leave it to the considerate (flame-proof) fans in the CIDU audience to pick apart why this strip is just all wrong.


Jack Applin notes “First, he calls her “gorgeous”, later “goergeous”. Is she a goer? Nudge nudge? Also, she states that her hair “is a mess”, but it’s rendered as identical to how it’s always depicted.”

Looking this up, I see this from the Urban Dictionary:

In panel 7, the repeated compliments, and perhaps the coffee, have mollified her, but I don’t get the expression in her eyes in panel 8.  

May Day!

Bonus Post: So help me, it’s May Day!

There are a number of reasons (and ways) that May Day is celebrated around the world, as these comics demonstrate:

Of course, the “real” reason for the holiday is its significance for the labor movement, but that is precisely why it has a somewhat tarnished reputation in the United States…

… especially because of certain militaristic “celebrations” in other parts of the world:

Therefore, since today is not a holiday in the United States, it may be necessary to postpone the celebration:

CIHS: Comic I Haven’t Seen: Wannabe

Bob commented a few days ago that he’d like to see “room for fresh ideas … a Comics I Haven’t Seen page spinoff”.

This seemed like a good idea, so we are going to occasionally feature comics that at least one editor isn’t that familiar with, and that haven’t shown up on CIDU much. Some of these you will like — with others we will save you the trouble of investigating them further.

Today’s inaugural edition features Wannabe, by Luca Debus, available at GoComics.

Wannabe focuses on the lives of three main characters: McKenzie, Andy, and Margot. … McKenzie has no idea what she wants to be, but she knows exactly how to reach it: through the magical powers of social media. Andy wants to be a playwright, but has no idea how to become one. And Margot is completely lost, she doesn’t know what she wants to be, nor how to get there.”

There’s definitely a Gen Z vibe here, but with a bit more problem-solving than, say, Dustin.